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Buddhist photos free

 Free Photos for buddhist sites, and health sites®©

 You may use these photos for free, but you may not post a photo to any site with  violence or sexual content, nor may you use the photos  in a way that may be considered negative by the owner, all credit for photos should be to Zen Master Hughes. you can even link to this page and let others use the photos. but you may not sell any photos all rights are retained by Master Hughes with regard to free buddhist photos on this site. leave master hughes name and web address on each photo description.

The first photo is Zen Bunny by Master Hughes

Zen bunny by Master HughesMaster Hughes long robe

  Master Hughes Hughes

Master Hughes Hughes

Master Hughes Hughes

Master Hughes Hughes

 Also go to for more photos.

Terms of use (summarized) Terms and conditions (summarized)

Our images are here for you to enjoy using in almost any project. Our terms apply equally to personal, corporate, educational and charitable use. images can be used worldwide, with no time limit (in perpetuity). We offer  a Standard License . If you use a free image you must publish an acknowledgement to on the same page or screen where the image is used, and you may not post a photo or image to any site with violence or sexual content or that promote drugs, nor may you use the photos in a way that may be considered negative by the owner, that is all we ask its really free.

Prohibited uses of the images Product packaging / labels, Redistribution or resale as standalone digital or physical images, Logo, trademark or other corporate identity, Pornographic, unlawful, defamatory purposes, Infringement of copyright, trade name trademark or service mark or any lease selling or rental of images.