Types of Wilderness survival training.

 Wilderness survival courses will provide you with the practical experience necessary to handle many kinds of problems that could arise in the wilderness. They can increase your skills and knowledge and make your next wilderness adventure safer and more enjoyable.

 When you talk about survival training your talking a bout a lot of different situations including,
Basic Survival training consists of information on the following topics with hands-on, Lab, application where indicated (listed in order of presentation):

Psychology of Survival
Overview of Search & Rescue Operations
Personal Survival Kits
Fire Starting with Lab
Hot Land Survival
Cold Land Survival
Signaling with Lab (weather permitting)
Aircraft (Smoke) Evacuation with Lab
Ditching and Sea Survival
Underwater Egress
Water Survival Lab consisting of:
Ditching and Egress
Flotation and Swimming
Raft Boarding and Righting
Rescue (pick-up) Devices
Shallow Water Egress Trainer (Voluntary)